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Private TextArea1 As TextArea Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea Private ToggleButton1 As ToggleButton Private mp As MediaPlayer Private Meta As New Collection Private ss As New String[] Public Sub Form_Open() Me.Resize(Screen.AvailableWidth * 0.33, Screen.AvailableHeight * 0.73) With TextArea1 = New TextArea(Me) .X = Me.W * 0.02 .Y = Me.H * 0.02 .W = Me.W * 0.96 .H = Me.H * 0.4 End With With DrawingArea1 = New DrawingArea(Me) .X = Me.W * 0.02 .Y = Me.H * 0.43 .W = Me.W * 0.96 .H = Me.H * 0.46 End With With ToggleButton1 = New ToggleButton(Me) As "ToggleButton1" .W = Me.W * 0.3 .X = (Me.W * 0.5) - (.W / 2) .Y = Me.H * 0.9 .H = Me.H * 0.08 .Foreground = Color.Green .Text = "Start" End With End Public Sub ToggleButton1_Click() If ToggleButton1.Value Then Dim plugVis As MediaControl Dim tipoPlug As String[] = ["goom", "monoscope", "spacescope", "spectrascope", "synaescope", "wavescope"] TextArea1.Clear With mp = New MediaPlayer As "MediaPlayer1" plugVis = New MediaControl(mp, tipoPlug[3]) .SetWindow(DrawingArea1) ' Hören wir uns ein Webradio an.... .URL = "https://icy.unitedradio.it/VirginRock70.mp3" ' Wenn wir eine Audio- oder Videodatei abspielen wollen, müssen wir die vorherige Zeile durch diese ersetzen: ' .URL = Media.URL("/Pfad/zur/Audio/oder/Videodatei") .Play .Video.Visualisation = plugVis End With ToggleButton1.Foreground = Color.Red ToggleButton1.Text = "Stop" Else mp.Stop mp.Close ToggleButton1.Foreground = Color.Green ToggleButton1.Text = "Start" Endif End Public Sub MediaPlayer1_Tag(tagList As MediaTagList) For Each tag As String In tagList.Tags If Not Meta.Exist(tag) Then Meta[tag] = tagList[tag] ss.Push(tag) ss.Push(tagList[tag]) Else ss[ss.Find(tag) + 1] = tagList[tag] Endif Next TextArea1.Clear For c As Short = 0 To ss.Max Step 2 TextArea1.Text &= ss[c] & ": " & ss[c + 1] & gb.NewLine Next End Public Sub MediaPlayer1_Position() Me.Title = Str(Time(0, 0, 0, mp.Pos * 1000)) End Public Sub MediaPlayer1_End() ToggleButton1.Value = False End